Thursday, 3 October 2013

Complete Reseller Package:: Mobile Dialers & PC Dialers

Greeting's Friends

We are searching for VoIP Resellers all over the Middle East and Asia. We will supply you with routes for every destination across the continent, with wholesale rates. You can set call tariffs to your clients according to the wholesale rates we'll offer you and that's how you make your income. Feel free to contact us for a demo and more of the reseller panel!

Service provided will Include:: Nexge Reseller Module:: L3, L2, L1 & Callshop Panel all available with wholesale routes

Specialized in:: India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Saudi, Pakistan, Egypt, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Oman, China, Syria, Iran other Destinations. (Middle East & Asia)

Available Services:: Callshop, Reseller Module, Mobile Dialers, PC Dialers,  1/1 billing, Free VoIP Tunnel (VPS), Free Training, Free demo

Latest Dialers:: iTel, Hellobyte, Mosip, Speako, Zem and others

Payments in KSA, UAE, China, India
other option:: Paypal, Wire, UAE Exchange, Western Union

Feel free to contact us for demo and more.
Skype: Johnny-Voip,
Phone: +97144207967

1 comment:

  1. plz test pin..give me test pin..wholesell email's app:+966402505940
